Welcome to the Official Website of Illinois Alluvial Regional Water Company

Members of IARWC- Click on Member Name to Read Their Story

Bunker Hill


Centeral Macoupin County Water District



Fosterburg Water District

Jersey County Rural Water

Who is IARWC

IARWC is a Not-for-Profit corporation organized as local business to produce drinking water for several communities and entities a like.  The concept is simple, several communities and entities came together to form an entity unto itself, as to produce and sell back to those memberships of IARWC that is comprised of local communities and entities.   

The whole purpose is to provide drinking water with shared resources for all! The goal is to be able to produce drinking water in large quantity resulting in a lower production costs. This is known as "Economy of Scale" and done properly, is savings for all. That's the goal! To be able to produce your drinking water at local level, with local control, with all communities and entities having a place at the table that controls the operation of production costs.


Legal Documentation

Corporate Structure

By Laws Signed 11-17  - signed copy available upon request

Amended By-Laws 4-20

Appellate Opinion


Progress Being Made

With the meet and greet meetings being completed, IARWC is continuing working towards meeting and greeting property owners as to discuss the water line routing and participation of those property owners.

IARWC looks forward to working with you as the property owner. IARWC is somewhat flexible in addressing the water line route. For more information about the project, click here and look under Easement work. Click here to see the most recent newsletter pertaining to the project progress. 

At this time Alluvial has 133 of 182 easements, to those property owners who have signed  IARWC extends a warm thank you!  The project is a community effort and will be made up of local representation from all the different communities that IARWC will serve - an estimated 35,000 in population. This ensures local control of the daily operation.

IARWC will be working through the rest of 2024 and into 2025 on securing the remaining easements. The project is currently broken into 3 phases with phase 1 being broken into 2 parts. The first part is anticiapted to begin construction sometime in 2025. The second part of phase 1 is anticipated to be shortly afterwards, with Phase 2 and 3 thereafter.  

If you should have any questions regarding the easements, please feel free to contact Seth Elliot at 618 498 7708 or Mark Voumard at 618 259 0935.

The Alluvial Board approved to divide the orginal project up into three seperate phases. Phase I will consist of the wells, raw water line from the wells to the water plant, water treatment plant, Elevated water tower, and finished water line from water plant to highway 67.

Phase II will consist of the finsh water line from highway 67 to Stagecoach Road.

Phase III will consist of the finsh water line from Stagecoach Road to Carlinville.

Additional funding will be sought for the anticapated up coming construction of the different phases.  Futher anticipated schedule of events are bidding letting by early 2025 with construction to possibly being in early to late summer of 2025 on phase I portion of project.




Conservation Tips

There are a number of easy ways to save water, and they all start with you. When you save water, you save money on your utility bills. Here are just a few ways...Conservation Tips


Click here for a list of newsletters regarding the project.

Click here for a view of the proposed water line routing.


Easement Map as of September 2024





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Privatization of Public Water Systems an you, the end user, pay for it in their water rates!

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